OKUMURA 615X Butterfly Valves A product that offers merits through it performance and economical feature. It also reduces torque requirement through its unique OKM seat structure which make it possible to have longer seat ring life. Low torque & longer life due to its unique new OKM soft touch seat: A newly developed soft touch seat that presses in with a smooth angle when the disc touches at the rubber seat. A lighter and smaller actuator due to the lower torque requirement: Due to the unique OKM seat development, no other products have its kinds of patented seat structure. With the reduction of its torque requirement, the actuator could be made smaller and lighter. FCD450 as a body material : ( 40A-300A) FCD450 is used as the body for 612X Type C and E in order to strengthen and further improve it. 

日本OKM历史悠久 ,具有50年专业生产蝶阀、刀闸阀历史。 公司产品所占比重:蝶阀70%,刀口闸阀25%,隔膜阀等5%。本公司销售的OKM产品都是由日本OKM公司进口或引进日本OKM公司技术在制造的,具有*的控制和密封性能。主要销售产品包括OKM公司的蝶阀、刀口闸阀、夹套保温阀;驱动方式有手动、齿轮传动、气动及电动可供选择。另外根据产品的使用工况要求,阀体材料及密封结构可有多种优化配置以满足客户对产品规格的不同需求,使阀门在多种压力、温度及介质条件下确保密封性、抗磨性、耐蚀性及安全性。 产品应用广泛,适用于石油、化工、冶炼、供热、给排水、电力、造纸、建筑空调及医药和船用等行业。本公司产品可满足GB、ISO、ANSI、JIS等法兰连接标准。符合ISO9001,日本消防安全设备中心认定,日本高压91视频黄色网设备试验制造认定,日本海事协会认定,英国劳埃德船级认定,挪威船级认定等。如还想了解更多阀门资料请点击91视频看看簧色查看。 |