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  • 发布日期:2017/12/14      浏览次数:771
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    底部出口调流调压阀说明、要求与数据 底部出口调流调压阀 底部出口电动调流调压阀
    底部出口调流调压阀General 概况
    In Bottom Outlet (BO) a gate chamber will be erected. The gate chamber shall be equipped with two steel lined waterways. The waterways shall be provided with upstream arranged maintenance gates and downstream arranged service gates. The service gates shall be of sliding gate type, for operation in partial opening position for regulating discharge. The maintenance gates shall be of roller gate type for normal operation in balanced conditions (without flow). Only in emergency cases the gates will be operated in flow condition, but only in fully open or fully closed (no partial opening). The gates shall be operated by hydraulic hoist system.
    在底部出口处(BO)应建立一个闸室。闸室应配备两个钢内衬水道。这两个水道上应配备上游和下游维护闸门。这些维护闸门应为滑动式,用于调节排放量的部分开放位置操作。,维修闸门应为辊闸型,便于在平衡条件下(无流量)的正常操作。只有在紧急情况下,这些闸门方可在流量条件下进行操作,而且只能为全开或全闭(不得局部开放)。这些闸门应当由液压启闭系统进行操作。 活塞式调流调压阀是液位自动控制阀门,是一种流体控制设备,主要控制其开启、闭合从而达到通、断和控制流量、压力的作用。


    The hydraulic power units and electrical cubicles shall be arranged on operation floor of the gate chamber.
    For reduced discharge (up to 3.00 m3/s) an electromechanical operated Plunger valve will be installed. Between the upstream maintenance roller gate and the downstream sliding gate of the right waterway provision shall be made for installation of a steel pipe. The steel pipe will be connected by welding to the steel lining of the waterway. The plunger valve will be positioned on concrete support at service floor level. The steel pipe with the necessary bends will be embedded in second stage concrete.
    The two steel lined waterways shall be installed in second stage concrete. The gate shafts shall be also steel lined up to operation floor level.

    The hydraulic cylinders of the fixed wheel emergency gates and the service sliding gates shall be arranged to the cover frame above the gate shafts.
    Downstream of the gate chamber provision shall be made for installation of stoplogs. The stoplogs will be handled by using a crane.
    The steel-lining from the upstream side to the downstream end shall be 3.50m approx. The min. wall thickness of the steel lining shall be 20mm. The steel lining shall be equipped with outer stiffeners based on the structural and transportation / installation requirements.
    The lining shall be anchored in position, strutted from the roof or otherwise restrained to prevent any possibility of them moving or rising during concreting on account of the buoyancy of the lining in unset concrete.

    For handling of the equipment inside the gate chamber a single girder manual underslung crane with spur gear hoist shall be installed. The crane shall be supplied and installed by Civil and Building Works. The exact position shall be according requirements of Hydro-mechanical Works.
    13.1.4    Basic Parameters 基本参数
    E. Plunger Valve 柱塞阀

    -Type of valve 阀门类型    Plunger Valve 柱塞阀(调压调流阀)
    -    Number of valves to be supplied 提供阀门的数量    1
    -    Diameter of valve 阀门直径    DN 400
    -    Design pressure of valve 阀门的设计压力    PN 10
    -    Connection pipe / steel lining (elevation) 连接管/钢衬(高度)    148.20m asl
    -    Elevation centreline of plunger valve 柱塞阀的高程中心线    150.50 m asl (approx.) 150.50 m asl (大约)
    -    Design pressure of steel pipe DN 400 DN400钢管的设计压力    10 bar
    -    Design pressure of steel pipe DN 500 DN500钢管的设计压力    6bar
    -    Elevation of service floor 维护地面的高度    149.70 m asl
    -    Operation of plunger valve (actuator) 柱塞阀的运行(致动器)    Electro mechanical 机电
    13.2.5    BO Plunger Valve 底部出口处柱塞阀(调压调流阀)
    The supply shall cover:
    a.    One plunger valve complete with electromechanical actuator;
    a.  一套配备机电励磁装置的柱塞阀;
    b.    One steel pipe from ceiling of steel lining to elevation of service floor with all necessary bends and flanges for connection the plunger valve.
    b.  从钢衬顶棚到维护地板高度的钢管,带有所有必需的弯头和法兰用于连接柱塞阀。
    c.    One DN500 steel pipe from plunger valve to the outlet including bends, aeration pipe and flanges;
    c.  一根从柱塞阀到出口处的DN500钢管,包括弯头、排气管和法兰;
    d.    One dismantling piece for maintenance of plunger valve;
    d.  一个拆解件用于柱塞阀维修;
    e.    One set of embedded parts for fixing of the plunger valve to the concrete;
    e.  一组预埋件用于固定柱塞阀到混凝土;
    f.    all other equipment and accessories, even if not mentioned above, required for trouble-free, safe and reliable operation, inspection and maintenance of the gates.
    f.  所有其他设备和附件,即使上面没有提到的,用于闸门的*、安全可靠运行、检查和维护。

    13.3  Design, Material and Workmanship 设计、材料与工艺
    13.3.1    Design Stresses 设计压力
    C)    Plunger Valve 柱塞阀(调压调流阀)
    ●    The valve shall be designed based on the requirements DN 400, PN 10 body made of ductile cast iron.
    ●    阀门应在DN400 PN10要求的基 础 上 进行设计,阀体应为球 墨 铸 铁 制造。
